Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston
(1963 - 2012)

Were you as shocked by the news of Whitney Houston's death as I was?

I am certain many people, especially those who were die hard fans of Ms. Houston were surprised to hear that this legendary singer had passed away.

Ms. Houston passed away on Saturday, February 11, 2012 while preparing to attend the Grammy's in Los Angeles, California.

Houston was staying at the Beverly Hills Hilton when she was found by one of her entourage submerged in a bathtub filled with water.

Whitney was a musical marvel.  I loved her musical and acting talents, her beauty, her incredible smile and the obvious love she had for singing, acting, and performing.

One poignant memory I have of Whitney was when she appeared on stage with another very well known Diva -- Mariah Carey.  In 1998, Whitney and Mariah combined their musical talents to sing the immortal, "When You Believe,"

Each time I watch that video and hear that song I can feel the shivers racing down my spine -- the song and the coming together of these two talented musical giants was phenomenal to say the least.

Of course, there was the time when Whitney sang, "The Star Spangled Banner" in 1991 at Super Bowl XXV

It is so sad, distressing really, when you see the body of a major pop star/celebrity of the caliber of Whitney Houston being removed from the place where they expired.

To see the body being placed on a gurney for the trip to the Coroner's office is surreal because for many years these singing giants were immortalized almost to the point of being seen (or appearing to be seen) as musical Gods.

Then death comes knocking and reminds us all just how real life and death are and that from the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich -- all ships truly do anchor at the same harbor in the end.

I will miss this legendary entertainer - the legendary queen of pop and cousin to another favorite of mine, Ms. Dionne Warwick.

My prayers and condolences to the entire family.

Whiteny, we will always love you.